GOAL: Creating stronger financial future for every generation.
- ALICE is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. The ALICE report is a means to define and understand the individuals and families working hard but not earning enough to afford basic living needs.
- 35% of Wood County and 44% of Adams County households are struggling - despite most of these households earning income above the Federal Poverty Level.
- With rising healthcare costs, seniors are the largest growing segment of ALICE households. 39% of Wood County seniors and 47% of Adams County seniors live below the ALICE threshold.
- Unable to save, ALICE households may be one unexpected expense or emergency away from spiraling into poverty.
- Less than 1/3 of Wisconsin's struggling households have emergency savings.
- Over 40 coalition partners shared information about fraud and financial scams in 2023.
- Basic financial education is necessary to reach financial stability and independence.
- United Way's Financial Security Coalition established the Finance and Investment Challege Bowl event, driving student interest & engagement in financial education.
- 99 students from local high schools participated in the 2025 Finance and Investment Challenge Bowl.
- $2,422 was the average return received by individuals in south Wood County who filed for free with MyFreeTaxes in 2024.
- At a cost of thousands per child each year, childcare is unaffordable for many ALICE families.
- For ALICE families who may not qualify for Wisconsin Shares, United Way's investment helps bridge the gap - meaning children who need it most get quality care, and parents remain in the workforce.
- 6 families received childcare aid through partner programs in 2023 and were able to stay employed as a result.
- 2,391 hours of quality childcare were provided through a partner program in 2023 allowing parents to remain employed.
- Assistance with housing & shelter was the most common need recorded by our local 211 Contact Center in 2023.
- 1,314 calls were answered by our local 211 contact center regarding housing and emergency shelter in 2023.
- United Way's investment in partner programs provides ALICE households with resources to find & afford safe, stable housing - and in many cases, avoid eviction.
- 1,058 community members received assistance from partner programs to avoid eviction in 2023.
- Victims of domestic violence often have limited assets as a result of abuse, which makes it extremely difficult to leave and obtain safe housing.
- United Way's investment helps provide safe shelter to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - which can mean the difference between life & death.
- 79 victims of domestic violence received safe shelter through a partner program in 2023.
- 39 individuals participated in the South Wood County Homelessness Roundtable in 2023.
- 60 individuals with disabilities received assistance from partner programs and sustain independent housing in 2023.
- 20 volunteers participated in the Homeless Point in Time Count in January 2024.
- Over 450 volunteers made an impact through Day of Caring, Finance and Investment Challege Bowl, and the Financial Security Coalition in 2023.
Source: Financial Security Coalition, United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties, United Way of Wisconsin ALICE report 2018, UWSWAC Partner Program, UWSWAC’s Volunteer Center, United Way’s 2-1-1
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Click here for the 2023 Fight Fraud Infographics
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