GOAL: Helping young people realize their full potential.
- For many ALICE families, low wages and non-traditional work schedules mean before and after school care is necessary, yet unaffordable.
- United Way's investment in partner programs helps ALICE families bridge the gap - meaning more families with financial need can access safe, trustworthy wrap around care.
- 815 children received before and after school or summer enrichment through partner programs in 2023.
- ALICE families don't have the means to enroll in many youth programs, leaving children behind their peers and
without valuable life skills.
- United Way's investment in partner programs provides sponsorships to ALICE families - meaning youth have access to mentorships and skill-building programs.
- 962 youth benefited from programs teaching leadership, life skills, and healthy social development in 2023.
- 228 teens attended and engaged with employers at the 2024 Teen Job Fair.
- $8,246.28 was invested by Women United in 10 literacy programs at local elementary schools in 2024.
- Over 150 volunteers made an impact through Great Book Giveaway, Stuff the Bus, reading mentorships, and the Youth Opportunity Coalition in 2023.
- The need for childcare far outpaces the number of available childcare slots.
- United Way's investment reduces barriers and provides resources to new programs, helps providers become regulated, and ensures training opportunities to improve safety & quality of care.
- 40 providers received support and assistance through partner programs in 2023 to increase accessibility.
- 4,725 books mailed to children in south Wood County through Women United and Dolly Parton's Imagination Library in 2023.
- 832 books were provided to children through Great Book Giveaway, Stuff the Bus, and the Youth Opportunity Coalition in 2023.
- 914 students with financial need received free school supplies through Stuff the Desk in 2023.
- Over 100 volunteers made an impact through Stuff the Bus/Desk.
Source: United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties, United Way of Wisconsin ALICE Report 2018, UWSWAC Partner Program, Women United, Youth Opportunity Coalition