We influence the lives of individuals and families through the work of our partner programs that provide direct services to people in our communities by providing program grants.

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South Wood County

Association for All Handicapped Citizens

Association for All Handicapped Citizens is an organization providing education and support to people with disabilities and other interested persons. Participants come from many areas such as Adams, Plover, Stevens Point and Marshfield.

Before, After, and Summer School Programs: Boys and Girls Club of the Wisconsin Rapids Area

The Boys and Girls Club of the Wisconsin Rapids Area Before and After School Outreach Programs provide a safe place, structure, supervision, mentoring and health and wellness programs for youth during non-school hours.  Visit their website.

Career Closet of Wisconsin Rapids, Inc.

The mission of the Career Closet is to provide needy members of our community with clothing, one of the basic tools they'll need for a successful job search and work life.  Visit their website.

Good Start Grants: Childcaring, Inc.

Good Start Grants provides financial assistance to eligible families to ensure they have access to quality, affordable child care. Good Start Grants help meet the funding gap between what childcare programs need to charge to offer a quality experience and what families can afford. Visit their website

Provider Recruitment/Retention: Childcaring, Inc.

In an effort to retain existing child care programs and recruit for additional child care providers, the Child Care Provider Recruitment/Retention Program offers assistance and support to child care programs in South Wood County including but not limited to: business start-up assistance, continuing education/training, individual consultation, resources, newsletters and weekly email blasts. Visit their website

FOCUS Family Backpacks

FOCUS Family Backpacks is a weekend meal-in-a-backpack program that aims to help alleviate hunger for families in Wisconsin Rapids by providing non-perishable ingredients for healthy meals. A breakfast items, a meal stretcher (such as peanut butter), and information about community resources are also included. RFB currently serves approximately 80 families per week from all elementary schools in Wisconsin Rapids; the program runs 10 months out of the year, from October-May.  Visit their website.

South Wood County Girl Scout Leadership Experience: Girls Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes

Girl Scouts promotes healthy youth development by engaging girls in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE). GSLE is a research-based and outcomes-driven program that uses age appropriate activities to provide a foundation of skills and experiences girls need to reach their full potential. Programming includes positive relationship modeling by adult mentors. Visit their website.

Backpack for Kids: Nekoosa School District

The Backpack for Kids program helps families within the Nekoosa School District in need of food. Backpacks are filled on Wednesdays with non-perishable food items and a $20.00 voucher from the local grocery store, distributed to the student on Fridays, and returned to school on Mondays to be filled again. The program also brings awareness of the importance of community involvement to our Academy students.

Neighborhood Meals: FOCUS Community Meal Program

FOCUS Communty Meal Program's mission is to feed hungry members of the community. Neighborhood Meals does this by providing free meals every Thursday of each month to anyone in need of a hot meal or a connection to our community.   Visit their website.

Nekoosa Senior Citizens Club

This is an organization to get older people together for an afternoon of fun. We also have card playing each week with lunch. We go out to eat 6 times a year if possible. Speakers come in some times. We play bingo once a month on first the Tuesday of the month.

Emergency Housing Assistance Program: North Central Community Action Program

The Emergency Housing Assistance Program provides housing payment assistance with the sole purpose of ending or preventing homelessness. This program is for low-income individuals facing eviction and/or homelessness.   Visit their website.

Opportunity Development Center, Inc. 

Opportunity For Hope is ODC’s outpatient mental health clinic serving Central Wisconsin Communities. Find out more about their services by visiting their website.

Park Place Adult Day Services

Park Place Adult Day Services serves dependent and vulnerable adults by providing meaningful, person-centered programs – including activities, exercise, socialization, personal care and safety. We also provide respite and education for caregivers.   Visit their website.

Project "Kaj Siab" (Happy):  Hmong American Center

Project “Kaj Siab” or “Happy” addresses mental health and quality of life in Southeast Asian Communities through preventative, educational, social, and cultural support programs.

Rudolph Senior Citizens

Provides social activities to local senior citizens, including dinners, picnics and holiday parties. As loved ones pass away it is easy for senior citizens to become depressed and/or homebound; and one of the best ways to prevent this from happening is through companionship and to socialize together. Activities like these help our local elderly population live happier, healthier lives which will ultimately help them live independently in their own homes longer.

South Wood County Scouting Program: Samoset Council Boy Scouts of America

The Scouting program provides necessary after school enriching activities centered around life skills, education (STEM), leadership, service to others and character development. The South Wood County Scouting program partners local youth with caring adult role models and mentors. Scouting instills in youth the values and knowledge they need to become tomorrow's leaders.  Visit their website.

Supplementary Food Distribution: FOCUS (Feeding Our Communities with United Services) Food Pantry

FOCUS Food Pantry is a supplemental food pantry that was formed in order to address food insecurity in South Wood County. Eligible households are able to receive 21 meals for each person in the household once every 30 days. Visit their website.

Shelter Services: The Family Center

The Shelter Services program provides emergency, short-term (generally less than 90 days) shelter and supportive services to victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault from South Wood County. Anticipated outcomes include: increasing victim safety; knowledge about community resources and domestic/sexual violence. Additional desired outcomes are to assist clients in finding permanent, stable housing and a source of income, as well as a restored sense of hope for the future and confidence in their decision-making.   Visit their website.

YMCA Membership For All: South Wood County YMCA

The YMCA Membership For All program helps to ensure that those children, adults and families in need have the opportunity to belong to YMCA programs and services regardless of income level.    Visit their website.


Adams County

Community Learning Center (CLC) – After School Programs:  Adams-Friendship Area School District

The CLC After School Programs at the elementary school are designed to provide academic enrichment activities and academic support to students during non-school hours. With the funds from United Way of of South Wood & Adams Counties the program is able to provide in-house and off-campus field trips to the students that would not typically have gone on if the funds were not received.   Visit their website.

Adams County Crisis Rental Assistance: Central Wisconsin Community Action Council

Crisis Rental Assistance is used to assist Adams County families and individuals who are facing imminent eviction and about to become homeless, homeless and need to find new permanent housing or moving into permanent housing but need assistance with the first month’s rent or security deposit. This is intended as a “one-time” benefit, designed to help those who need minimal assistance to obtain and remain in stable housing.  Visit their website.

Adams County Food Pantry: Central Wisconsin Community Action Council

Adams County Food Pantry serves approximately 260-400 households per month. The Adams County Food Pantry is open on Wednesdays and Fridays.   Visit their website.

Faith in Action Adams County: Faith in Action

Faith In Action Adams County (FAAC) is an interfaith non-profit organization that provides supportive services, at no charge, to elderly and disabled residents of Adams County, through a network of trained volunteers.

Faith in Action Adams County Transportation Today: Faith in Action

The FAAC Transportation Today program provides transportation, free of charge, to elderly and disabled residents in Adams County, through our network of trained volunteers.   Visit their website.

Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE): Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes

Girl Scouts promotes healthy youth development by engaging girls in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience. GSLE is a research-based and outcomes-driven program that uses age appropriate activities to provide a foundation of skills and experiences girls need to reach their full potential. Programming includes positive relationship modeling by adult mentors.  Visit their website.

Adams County Scouting Program: Samoset Council Boy Scouts of America

The Scouting program provides necessary after school enriching activities centered around life skills, education (STEM), leadership, service to others and character development. The Adams County Scouting program partners local youth with caring adult role models and mentors. Scouting instills in youth the values and knowledge they need to become tomorrow's leaders.   Visit their website.

YMCA Membership For All: South Wood County YMCA

The YMCA Membership For All program helps to ensure that those children, adults and families in need have the opportunity to belong to YMCA programs and services regardless of income level.    Visit their website.

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