United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties' Endowment Fund

Why Now?

The future of our community depends on how we as a community of citizens take action.  For over 80 years, United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties has done just that.  UWSWAC mobilized the caring power of communities to change lives, set significant and measurable goals, and held ourselves accountable.

No organization is better positioned than United Way to address the most pressing issues facing our community.  Our foundation is strong but we’ll need bold new thinking and sustained support to get us where we need to be in 5 or 10 years from now and beyond - a vibrant future for our community - one in which our children are healthy from birth, graduate from high school ready for success and go on to find employment that leads to a lifetime of financial stability and family success.

The purpose of this fund is to get as many of our annual campaign dollars as possible turned back to the community by supporting partner programs, coalitions and initiatives.  Your contributions to United Forever are invested, the principle protected, and the earnings are collected quarterly and used to help offset the fundraising and management costs of United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties.

So a greater amount of the annual campaign funds can be used to impact the community each year.

United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties is raising funds for our endowment to ensure a more predictable, sustainable and stable future for our mission.

There are many ways to support the United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties' endowment, also known as UNITED FOREVER.  Whether you wish to make monetary gifts or gifts of stock or property, or whether you would like to provide for United Way in your will, there are many options available to you.

It’s amazing how much good even a modest gift can do, over time.  A multi-year pledge (whether of cash or real estate) over a two-to-five year period results in a much larger gift than possible in a single payment.  United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties recommends that you talk to your attorney, financial planner or certified public accountant to determine the best philanthropic strategy for you, your family and your estate.

The United Forever Guild (As of December 2024)

William and Carol E. Allen
Helen L. Arndt
Lin and Bob Arterburn
Al and Pam Bardole
John H. Barrette
Eudora Beadle
Bell Family Charitable Foundation
Georgiana Bentley
Lillian Bethke
Dale Bikowski
Brazeau, Wefel, Kryshak, and Nettesheim LLP
Ben and Mary (Lig) Buckley
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Cabaltica
Tom and Patti Cahill
Groff and Lila Collett
John and Toni Culhane
Jeffrey and Patricia Curti
Randy and Bev Dhein
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy A. Engelhardt
Chuck and Gayle Gibbons
Scott and Karen Ghinazzi Family
John and Debra Gruenloh
Don Halverson
Kurt, Kim, Justin and Karli Heuer
Diane and Ken Hill
Brenda R. Huber
Jeff and Linda Huttenburg
Randy and Tari Jahns
Jere and Teri Johnson
Art and Donna Kastenschmidt
Richard J. Kenney
Steve and Cindy Knorr
The Lake Family
Karen Landowski
Legacy Foundation of Central Wisconsin
Linda Lietzke
Jere Manske
George W. and Susan Feith Mead
Mead Witter Foundation
Dan and Jeannine Meyer
Emily B. Nissley
Russell and Jacqueline Miller
Ronald Mundt
Beulah M. Otto
Paper City Savings Association
Jim and Dianne Quinn Family
Darlene Rause
John and Phyllis Ritchie
River Cities Bank 
Louie and Libby Rosandick
Wylie Rose Memorial
Jennifer Rowe
Jim Rowe
Jo and John Sager
Glenn and Lynn Saeger
Patricia A. Schuetz
Donald and Margaret Sprise
John and Judy Steele
Shelley and Fred Stich
Joseph and Dorothy Streb
Janet Suzda
Pete and Nan Taylor
Dr. John and Germaine Thompson
Bruce Trimble
Deb Trimble
Wachovia Securities
Vicky Slater and Carl Wartman
Doug and Anne Wenzlaff
Wayne and Joanie 
Wesenberg Family
Wisconsin Valley Concrete Products Co.
Lawrence Zimmerman