For Immediate Release – February 14, 2025
Contact: Ben Eberlein, Community Engagement Director, 715-421-0390
WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WI –United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties invites community members interested in disaster preparedness and recovery to participate in an upcoming Volunteer Reception Center training from 5:00pm to 7:00pm on April 16th at the Grand Rapids Lions Club. In the event of a disaster, this group of trained volunteers may be called upon to help screen and organize spontaneous, untrained volunteers to help with recovery efforts. By preparing for the types of disasters most likely to occur in our area, United Way seeks to strengthen community resiliency and reduce the impact such events may have on the most vulnerable members of our community.
The Volunteer Reception Center, or VRC, provides a system to safely and efficiently turn a crowd of spontaneous volunteers into a screened and organized workforce. Before the VRC can be activated after a disaster, a group of trained volunteers must be ready to respond. These individuals staff the VRC, helping to screen, interview, and train spontaneous volunteers who turn out to aid the disaster response. Training for VRC volunteers is held twice each year – only volunteers who have attended training are eligible to staff the VRC if called upon.
The next VRC training and informational session will be at the Grand Rapids Lions Club on April 16th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Training will include a brief informational presentation and a demonstration exercise. First-time attendees will have an opportunity to join the VRC following the training. Registration is appreciated but not required; to register, contact Ben Eberlein at 715-421-0390 or by Friday, April 11th.
The VRC is coordinated by United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties in collaboration with Wood County Emergency Management and Marshfield Area United Way.