Thanks to 462 volunteers, 88 yards were raked during United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties Day of Caring on Saturday, October 26th. Many elderly or disabled homeowners fall into the ALICE population and struggle to afford the cost of leaf removal. United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties steps in by coordinating volunteers to rake these yards; enabling homeowners to care for and remain in their homes without an extra financial burden.
“It's hard to put into words how grateful we are for so many volunteers to share part of their Saturday helping our elderly & disabled friends and neighbors with their yardwork. It might not seem like much, but getting help from Day of Caring makes a huge difference to these homeowners, and even helps some of them to continue living independently. I can't say it enough — thank you to all our volunteers!” said Community Engagement Director Ben Eberlein.
Thanks To Our Sponsors
United Way thanks this year’s t-shirt sponsors: Cranberry Valley Girl Scouts, Grand Rapids, Nekoosa, & Port Edwards Lions Clubs, United Way’s 211, VFW Post 2534, Wisconsin Rapids Kiwanis Club, and Wisconsin Rapids Noon Rotary Club.
We also would like to thank this year’s food sponsors: Grand Rapids Lions Club, Ocean Spray, Pepsi and Walmart. And a big “thank you” to the Grand Rapids Lions Club for the use of their facilities and providing volunteers