WISCONSIN RAPIDS – United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties and the Healthy Community Coalition will support local food programs and raise awareness of hunger with the 13th annual United We Can food sculpture contest at Witter Field on June 17th.

The event will feature sculptures built entirely from non-perishable food and basic need items, which have been donated to support local food programs. The sculptures will be on display during the evening’s Rafters game.

Help strike out hunger by attending the Rafters’ 6:35pm game against the Traverse City Pit Spitters on June 17th. Attendees who bring a non-perishable food or basic need item donation will receive a free ticket to the game. Since 2013, United We Can has brought in over 78,000 pounds of food donations.

How you can “pitch” in:
•    Register a team to build a sculpture on June 17th. Registration form available online at uwswac.org.
•    Drop off non-perishable food items or cash donations at Witter Field from 10am to 4pm on June 17th. Checks should be made payable to “United Way.” Donations will also be accepted during the game.
•    Bring loose change or cash to donate. During the “Miracle Minute” portion of the game, United Way volunteers will be in the stands to collect as many donations as possible in just 60 seconds!

Last year, Healthy Community Coalition partners connected individuals to food resources over 62,300 times. Hunger is more common than most of us realize, and it’s happening right here in our community. Help us strike out hunger!

For more information, contact Ben Eberlein, Community Engagement Director United Way of South Wood & Adams Counties, at 715-421-0390 or ben@uwswac.org.