On Saturday, November 18, 2017 the Volunteer Center will be asking families in south Wood County to get out and volunteer together as a family! According to the Points of Light Foundation “Family Volunteer Day is a day of service that celebrates the power of families who work together to support their communities and neighborhoods.”
In south Wood County, families can view our website at www.volunteerinnerwisc.org to find ideas. We have a variety of different volunteer opportunities to choose from that are perfect for families. Opportunities range from stay-at-home projects such as creating “Shoebox Projects” and donating them to local agencies; to getting out and decorating an agency for the holidays. Families can also check out the volunteer opportunities at their churches or schools.
Families who wish to volunteer on – or around – November 18th should plan ahead, as many agencies have a volunteer application process. The Volunteer Center is not coordinating any projects, but can make suggestions and help your family decide on a project. Families need to volunteer together (adults cannot drop off their kids and leave); especially since smaller children will need to be supervised.
“Volunteer projects do not need to be on November 18th,” said Angela Loucks, Volunteer Center Director. “We just want to help families get started on the path to volunteering. National Family Volunteer Day is a good time to check out the local opportunities we have and learn about the benefits of volunteering.”
“This is also an opportunity to show your kids the world around them,” continued Angela. “Show your kids all the good that there is in the world! It helps kids know that we live in a community that cares about others - including them – which has a huge impact on their own self-esteem. It’s also an opportunity to pass down family values such as showing compassion and always doing your best. You can put these values into action by volunteering and show your kids first-hand what it looks like. It’s also an opportunity to spend quality time with your family and have fun - so grab your kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, etc. and volunteer together!”
Benefits of Volunteering
- Youth who volunteer learn respect, leadership skills and how to work as a team. Youth volunteers also tend to do better in school, are more likely to graduate, make better choices, choose healthier lifestyles and have higher self-esteems.
- Volunteering can help job-seekers get a job by providing references and experiences that can be listed on resumes and job applications. (Volunteering also helps students who are applying for college.)
- Volunteering benefits your health in a number of ways: it lowers the body’s response to stress and strengthens your immune system. Volunteers also experience less depression, lower blood pressure and fewer health problems later in life.