at a Glance:

  • MyFreeTaxes helps people file their taxes for free while getting the assistance they need.
  • MyFreeTaxes is FREE for most returns and includes schedule C.
  • Users can file federal and state returns for free.
  • Tax situations covered for free in MyFreeTaxes include:
                   ○ W-2 income
                   ○ Schedule C Self Employment
                   ○ Limited interest and dividend income reported on a 1099-INT or 1099-DIV student
                   ○ Education expenses, credits or student loan interest
                   ○ Unemployment income
                   ○ Claiming the standard deduction
                   ○ Earned Income Tax Credit
                   ○ Child tax credits
                   ○ Child and dependent care expenses
  • MyFreeTaxes also provides a free return to self-employed filers, who can report their income and expenses on a Schedule C form.
  • You can easily file your taxes using from your mobile phone, tablet or computer. The platform guides you through the process to guarantee you get your maximum refund.
  • Most filers complete their taxes in under one hour and save an average of $200 in fees by using MyFreeTaxes instead of a paid tax preparer.
  • A new Tax Time Financial Checklist connects users to important financial products and services, including accessible and affordable bank accounts; a free student debt platform that will help users resolve student debt challenges and adjust their payment plans to save money; and the ability to engage 211 to connect with a financial counseling program.
  • The MyFreeTaxes filing software uses best-in-class standards to safeguard taxpayer information and guarantee tax returns are accurate and you receive your maximum refund.
  • Don’t stress over the latest changes to tax laws! MyFreeTaxes software is always up to date.
  • MyFreeTaxes screens for credit and deduction eligibility, like the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit and can help filers claim missed stimulus payments

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