What is United Way's 211?

  • 211 is a source of information & referral for people looking for community services and resources, especially for those who need essential services, such as food, shelter, counseling, employment assistance, and more.
  • Dial 211 for free, confidential, 24-hour information on community, health, and social services.
  • Callers receive personalized information from a live resource specialist.
  • 211 is YOUR connection to community programs and services
  • 211 is FREE, confidential, and easy to use.
  • 211 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Who can use 211?

  • United Way’s 211 is for EVERYONE 
  • General Public – give or get help and community information
  • Residents in Need – advocacy and referrals to seek help
  • Workforce & Human Service Agencies – resources for clients, reporting/statistics, promotional tool

Who Answers 211 Calls?

211 calls are answered by a live Information and Referral Specialist. Specialists are trained in navigating the maze of human service agencies and programs. Non-English speaking callers are assisted through a telephone interpreting service with access to interpreters.

What if I have trouble dialing 211?

If you have problems dialing 211 at work, contact your information services staff to change permissions on the telephone system to allow 211 dialing access.

If you have problems dialing 211 at home, contact your telephone service provider’s repair number to make sure they have programmed 211 into your service.

Not all cell phones are translated to dial 211. If you have trouble reaching United Way's 211, call 877-947-2211.

What is 211's Service Area?

211 is available statewide in Wisconsin and many other states in the US.  Our local 211 call center serves Wood, Adams, Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Clark, Iron, Juneau, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, Taylor, and Washburn Counties.